Saturday, June 30, 2018


Esta semana leí un artículo que creí interesante o serio...

Aunque hubo buena disposición, sólo avancé una docena de páginas y, a vuelo de pájaro, revisé el final e hice comentarios y observaciones en el archivo .pdf que adjunto en hyperlink:

Cada día me distancio de lo que no es ni fue.

An artistic wind

As an observer -not a witness- I see a lady walking through masses (not ppl) as if she stepped on waves, like if she were the mute wind observing souls in a bowl with cold fish.

At 1st sight you can think she´s older than you when walking.

She looks like a ghost observing ppl´s confusion or disturbance...

Yet the moment when you´ve met with her smile, with her teeth shining, you would think you´ve found out a soulmate, an Asian friend, one who has designed the world she really wants to enjoy.

Suddenly, in a way -you yourselves- want to be part of the scenery she saw, the emotions she felt or imagined, that no word can depict an exact idea of what I tried to say with this longing.